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Lingual Braces vs Invisalign

Lingual Braces vs Invisalign

Choosing an orthodontic treatment option is not an easy task. This is because there are so many options available to choose from and so many factors to consider. However, you don’t have to worry about selecting an orthodontic treatment option entirely on your own; your dentist or orthodontist will help recommend options that best suit your dental needs, allowing you to make an informed decision about your treatment. For example, if your orthodontist has suggested you choose between Invisalign and lingual braces, you might be thinking about which of these options is best for you. 

But no need to worry; in this blog, we will offer an in-depth comparison of these two orthodontic treatment options to select an option that best suits you. So, continue reading to find out more about these orthodontic treatment options!

What Are Lingual Braces And What Are They Used For?

Introduced in the 1970s, lingual braces are commonly used alternatives to conventional metal braces. According to the British Lingual Orthodontic Society, lingual braces are fixed appliances that have the same design as traditional metal braces, but with one significant difference; lingual braces are bonded to the inner (lingual, or the surface of the teeth towards the tongue) tooth surfaces, making them inconspicuous and invisible. Therefore, these braces offer the benefits of conventional braces, i.e., reliability and fast treatment, but without aesthetic concerns. 

How Effective Are Lingual Braces?

Lingual braces work similarly to traditional fixed braces. Therefore, they are as effective as conventional braces and Invisalign in treating orthodontic issues. According to the British Lingual Orthodontic Society, lingual braces can be used for complex orthodontic problems that may not be treatable with Invisalign aligners in some cases. Besides, lingual braces offer quicker treatment results than other treatment options. 

Is Invisalign Really Better Than Braces?

Every orthodontic treatment option has its own merits and demerits. However, if we compare Invisalign with braces, we will find several positive points of the removable aligner systems. For example, Invisalign is much more comfortable than braces, as the aligner trays are made from flexible polymers. Similarly, Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible compared to highly conspicuous metal braces. Furthermore, Invisalign aligners allow you to eat all your favourite foods without restrictions, while braces wearers have to avoid hard and sticky foods. Finally, Invisalign aligners allow you to maintain better oral hygiene as they are removable. So, if your primary concern is comfort, aesthetics, and convenience, Invisalign is undoubtedly better than braces.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Lingual Braces?

There are a few cons to lingual braces:

  • They may be more expensive than other types of braces.
  • At first, they may cause discomfort.
  • You may need to adapt your eating habits and avoid certain foods.
  • They may take longer than conventional braces.

Like all teeth straightening systems, there are disadvantages and the ones for Lingual braces may make you consider getting Invisalign aligners instead? Here are some pros and cons of Invisalign to help you decide:

Pros of Invisalign Aligners 

  • Inconspicuous – no effect on one’s smile and facial aesthetics when worn
  • Comfortable – lesser pain and discomfort than fixed braces 
  • No diet restriction – eat all your favourite foods as the aligners are removable 
  • Better oral hygiene maintenance 
  • Fewer checkup visits needed 

Cons of Invisalign Aligners

  • Potential for staining if optimal oral hygiene is not maintained 
  • Treatment progresses affected significantly if aligners are not worn according to the dentist’s instructions
  • Aligners can be misplaced more often 
  • Not suitable for very complicated orthodontic problems 

Which Type Of Dental Braces Are Most Suitable?

Every patient has dental needs. Hence, it is impossible to consider an orthodontic treatment option for every orthodontic patient. Instead, dentists first perform a clinical examination on their patients to determine the underlying cause. Subsequently, they will recommend a treatment option that suits their oral health needs and meets their budgetary requirements. 

Which Takes Longer Braces Or Invisalign?

The time required for different orthodontic systems to fix orthodontic issues depends on various factors. For example, the skill of the dentist, the patient’s age and the severity of the problem, and, more importantly, patient compliance.  

For mild orthodontic issues, Invisalign aligners provide quicker results than braces. However, if one has a complicated orthodontic problem, using metal brackets might be a more suitable option as this treatment option offers better treatment control to the dentist and treatment reliability. But, again, your dentist will suggest a treatment option for you based on your overall oral health status and treatment needs. 

What Is More Painful, Braces Or Invisalign

Every orthodontic teeth straightening method will cause pain and discomfort, particularly during the early few days of treatment. However, if we compared braces and Invisalign aligners as to which one is less painful, clear aligners are the obvious winners. These plastic aligners are made of a flexible polymer, which causes less pain and discomfort than braces while ensuring optimal tooth movement speed. So, if you are looking for comfort and convenience, Invisalign aligners should be your choice. 

When considering having your teeth straightened, the most crucial aspect is to find a renowned, experienced, and skilled orthodontist around you. If you live in West Midlands or suburbs, your best option is to visit Streetly Smiles Dental Care, where we offer all dental services, including orthodontic treatment, under one roof and in a comfortable and relaxing environment. So, what are you waiting for? Book a free appointment with us today, and let us give you a smile that you truly deserve!

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